The Farmer’s Toast, or Godspeed the Plough

Another song Cliff pulls out but not as commonly as in earlier days.  Too mellow for the louder crowds.  It is also known as “The Farmer’s Arms” and even “Success to the Farmer”.  In one form or another it dates to the 15th century, according to most sources, and refers to “Plough Monday” which is the first Monday after the Twelfth Day of Christmas – this marked the end of the holiday celebrations and the first day back to labour.  However, this version and melody is essentially from around 1800, with some variation, and can be found in the 1801 edition of The Farmer’s Almanac published in Boston.

Jos. Morneault


Come all jolly fellows who long to be mellow
Attend unto me, and sit easy.
A pint when it’s quiet, my boys let us try it
Dull thinking will drive a man crazy

I have lawns, I have bowers
I have fruit, I have flowers
And the lark is my morning alarmer
So my jolly boys, now,

Here’s Godspeed the Plow
Long life and success to the Farmer

Draw near to my table my boys when you’re able
Let me hear not one word of complaining
For the tinkling of glasses all music surpasses
And I long to hear bottles a-draining

For here I am king, I can laugh, drink, or sing
And let no man approach as a stranger
But show me the ass who refuses a glass
And I’ll treat him to hay in the manger


Let the wealthy and great roll in splendour and state
I envy them not, I declare it
For I eat my own ham, my own chickens and lamb
And I shear my own fleece and I wear it

My ploughing and sewing and reaping and mowing
King Nature supplies me with plenty
I’ve a cellar well stored and a plentiful board
And my garden affords every dainty.



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