The Colin McEnroe Show
On Wednesday the 26th July, The Jovial Crew performed for Colin McEnroe and his show yesterday, discussing sea chanteys although not enough time to get into sufficient details – the episode will air on WNPR on Wednesday, 3 Aug, at 1p.
Summer Mondays: Us and You
Perhaps we’re the victims of our own success, perhaps it’s just because you love us so! Summer Mondays have become a bit over crowded and insane! With has come some less social behaviour on the part of one or two. We love you being there and singing along and we love the wonderful staff of the Griswold Inn. Please exercise your better natures and be kind and considerate to the staff and to each other, and come to sing! Leave loud conversations to the outside patio! And with the overcrowding in an early 19th century tap room, we are obligated to keep under a certain number, per the fire marshal. Come early for a chance at a seat, but don’t be too surprised should someone at the door turn away people when the room gets full. Hey, it’s summer!

Pic taken at the Ironworks in Inverness by our Jana Lohrova
2d Annual CT Sea Music Festival
Vid from Cafe Nine
From our evening at the Gris! Thank you Ian Basilone for the snap shot!
St-Valentines Day
And a Happy New Year!
Celebrating 50 years of Cliff performing at the Griswold Inn in Essex, Connecticut!